Rainbow Veterinary Clinic

2636 Noble Rd
Cleveland Hts, OH 44121



At this time we are not taking any new clients. This note will change when we are able to again. 

If you need immediate help, please click here to locate your nearest emergency clinic.

Rainbow Veterinary Clinic welcomes you!

Group of animals 

At Rainbow Veterinary Clinic we provide the highest quality medical and surgical care

to our patients and offer the best possible service to our clients.

 Dr. Linda Mitchell  

Dr. Jessica Alcorn 

A dog owner’s guide to navigating respiratory disease concerns

Dear Awesome Clients,

Thanks to all of you and all of the safety measures that we followed, we made it through the COVID pandemic without having to close!!!

Now that COVID has become endemic, we are returning to a more normal state of business.

Therefore, masks are no longer required and the number of clients allowed inside is no longer limited to one. If you are feeling ill, we do ask that you arrange for someone else to bring in your pet, reschedule if you are coming in for a routine appointment and your pet is not sick, or stay in your vehicle. We will also continue to provide curbside service for those of you who prefer that.

A major issue that we are STILL facing (and have been for the past year and a half) is being short staffed. This is a nationwide concern for most industries. This shortage has put extreme pressure on all of our current staff, including the doctors. We work nonstop to help take care of your pets. We are very tired and very stressed. We need your understanding and patience. And, we need your help by doing the following:

We will keep you updated on any changes. Thank you, as always, for the honor of helping you care for your pets.

We're so looking forward to seeing more of you, our clients, and our patients! We've truly missed you all. Please call us at 216-291-3931 with any questions or concerns you may have about your pet. 

Thanks for being awesome!

Your friends at Rainbow Veterinary Clinic

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